Friday 29 April 2011

Add Decorative Style To Your Home’s Exterior

Dinesol Shutters

The exact origin of exterior window shutters is unknown, but it has been established that the ancient Greeks had louvered shutters made from marble to provide shade from window openings.

The use of shutters quickly spread across Europe and it wasn’t long before timber became the most commonly used shutter material.

Timber weather proofing shutters were simply boards of timber that could be fitted into slots or catches on a window frame, either inside or outside of a building.

The very poorest of people might alternatively use bundles of reeds or thatch to make mat-like shutters, if timber proved too expensive or was in short supply.

However, anyone wishing to make a statement about their wealth or standing in the community would have louvered timber shutters that opened and closed on hinges.

Today with the technology of windows, the need for operational shutters are not necessary, however Dinesol’s decorative shutters can add a touch of colour, class and beauty to any home’s exterior.

blog5-thumbDinesol’s Traditional Open Louvered, Colonial Raised-Panel & Board and Batten Shutters offer you the natural, deep-cut of textured wood but in a substantial durable copolymer material that’s maintenance free.

Dinesol’s 9", 12", 15" and 18" wide louvered and raised-panel shutters are UV- stabilized with colors that go completely through the shutter.

They won’t chip, rot or warp and are strong enough to withstand most weather conditions.

Available in 14 preferred colors and lengths from 31" to 80" to fit nearly every type of window, Dinesol Louvered, Raised-Panel & Board and Batten Shutters will beautify any home’s exterior.

For those who need to match a specific color they also offer a paintable shutter.

  • 9", 12", 15" & 18" Widths
  • Extra Heavy-Duty
  • Extra Durable
  • Enhanced Wood Grain
  • Color Molded Throughout
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty

If you would like to know more or would like to touch, feel and see samples of Dinesol Shutters, please feel free to visit our beautiful Toronto showroom conveniently located in Scarborough or visit our Dinesol Shutters page.

The Home Improvement Centre
1200 Kennedy Road. #3 (North of Lawrence)
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
M1P 2L1

Telephone (647) 351-3681
Fax (647) 351-3271
